There are tricks to running a successful email marketing campaign. Do you know what they are?
For most businesses, email marketing is the process of sending emails from your business to your leads to generate interest. It might seem as simple as writing an email and pressing the send button, but it’s so much more than that.
Running A Successful Email Marketing Campaign
You have to put strategy and thought behind what you’re sending. After all, when 90% of adults and 74% of teenagers use email daily, there’s a lot of competition.
Here are some pointers that will help you stand out from the crowd.
Convert visitors into subscribers
Building a targeted email list with people that are interested in what your selling or promoting starts with capturing email addresses.
The best way to generate an email list is to capture the visitors to your website. Think about it — when was the last time you went to a website and weren’t prompted to sign-up for a mailing list?
Most businesses get their leads from people who’ve already found their site through one avenue or another. Use your traffic to start building a warm email list.
Determine your goals
A successful email marketing campaign depends on benchmarks for success. Sit down and think through your strategy, including what you want to accomplish from your email campaign.
Are you concerned about getting opens? Do you want people to visit your website? Or are you aiming to make a sale?
Whatever it is, set your KPI’s and go into planning your email strategy with those in mind. Goals span a comprehensive set of options. From conversions to re-targeting to click-throughs, determine the ones that best suit your business and capture effective leads.
Know what email you want to send
Email marketing is not the same as sending someone a one-off email. You have to understand your different options and decide which one works best for you.
When it comes to email marketing campaigns, these are some of the most popular send types:
- Promotional emails – Alerting your customer to specials or promotions
- Triggered emails – Responding to an action your customer takes on your site
- Welcome emails – Thanking them for signing up
- Purchase confirmation emails -Thanking them for making a purchase
Figure out which emails you need to start sending. Consider starting small and building from there.
Write exceptional copy
Unlike writing emails to your coworkers, the copy for an email marketing campaign needs to be exceptional. You should always write an email with your audience’s mind. What do you think will resonate with them the most? Is there something they want to hear? Which problem are you solving for them, and how?
You should also test a few different subject lines until you find one that rings true for your audience. Your copy is one of the most critical aspects of your email campaign, so spend time on it.
A great email marketing campaign is thoughtful and always thinks about the customer. You want your words and images to resonate with the person willing to open it up. Spend some time understanding your customer and working through your copy. When you find a message that resonates, you’ll know it.