Instagram is full of hopefuls that want to turn their interests into a money-making platform for themselves and their brand. Marketing trends suggest that Instagram will only continue to grow in popularity, with some statistics predicting the site’s user base to pass 120 million by 2023.
For the average Instagram brand (that’s you), these numbers imply a sea of competitors vying for follower attention. In order to sell on Instagram and increase positive engagement with your brand, you need a competitive edge.
Instagram Marketing Tips
Use these 4 Instagram marketing tips to increase your following and start getting the attention you need to grow your business.
Influencer Marketing
Influencer Marketing is a feature Instagram introduced in 2019 to help users network with writers and social media experts to spread the word about their brand. Users can now shop on the platform using only the recommendations of these “influencers.”
This means that as a budding brand yourself, finding bloggers and social media experts to endorse your brand to their audience will allow you to match your products to the right niche and increase engagement with your profile.
Social Proofing
People who shop online and share stories love behind-the-scenes information, how-to guides, and helpful tips. Social proofing on Instagram means bringing products and brands to followers through interactive information that they’ll be more excited to share.
Authenticity is how the big moneymakers on Instagram work their magic. They use dedicated apps like InShot to make engaging videos for their visitors. On Instagram, interaction is even more important than awareness. Focus on showing users what you’re about or how to use your products by making custom videos that lend your profile authenticity.
Interactive Stories
Instagram’s “Stories” feature gets your brand onto your followers’ timelines more efficiently than other posts. Since it’s used more regularly than normal posts (over 500 million people post stories daily), this feature helps increase profile traffic and interaction.
For instance, if your channel plans to host a Q&A, release a new article, or unveil a product, a countdown or notice through the Interactive Stories feature will help generate interest on people’s timelines.
Use Augmented Reality
A custom augmented reality filter provides a new way to set an Instagram profile apart and bring in more traffic. These flashy effects give you and your brand a relatable face for your public, with everything from puppy dog noses to sparkly background effects.
Using Instagram’s studio platform, anyone can now create a custom AR filter to make their profile stand out in a crowd. Taking advantage of the latest advances will put your brand ahead of a curve that shows no signs of flattening out. Instagram is even working on AR shopping technology that will allow users to try out products virtually before buying them.
The Takeaway
Instagram is more than a timewaster: it represents a network of advertisers that could provide your profile or brand with the traffic you need to be profitable on the platform. Taking advantage of influencer marketing is only the first step. The site provides a host of ways to make your brand more social-proof, interactive, and unique.
You must be unique and engaged to get noticed on Instagram. Follow these Instagram marketing tips to make your users engage with you in return.